Friday, March 20, 2009

Sunday homecoming

Since Anne has come home, and Jill came home for this last weekend, we decided it was a good time to get a picture of the Leon Baker family all together for the first time.....

This picture was taken at Jacob Jones' wedding open house on the 14th.

On Sunday, Anne gave her homecoming talk in ML 5th ward which we attended that week. Following the meeting, we went over to Leon and Lorraine's house for dinner. It was amazing. We had roast and mashed potatoes at Anne's request since Italy doesn't have much of either.......

The hat Jenna is wearing is one that Anne sent last year. It is a french hat, but I thought this Sunday was the perfect time to wear it.

Here are also some beautiful pictures from the open house. I don't have anything to say to go with them, but I wanted them to be here so everyone could see them.

James, Anne, and Jill

Mommy really loves her baby girl

The Baker girls!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Emma was looking at these with me, and saw the one of you holding Jenna, and said "I kinda miss Niki. Don't you mom?" I thought that was cute/funny. Oh, and the answer is yes, by the way.
